Monday, July 29, 2019

How to Create Points at Specified Coordinates

  1. Select settings and create styles, layers, point groups, and description keys.
  2. Click Home tabCreate Ground Data panelPoints MenuCreate Points - MiscellaneousManual .
    Note: You can also use transparent commands to specify point locations within a larger operation, such as the creation of an alignment or a parcel lot line. Using transparent commands, you can calculate the location for a point from information such as angle and distance, or from point object information, such as a point number.
  3. Specify the location for the point in the drawing.
  4. If prompted, enter the point name, description, and elevation.
  5. Press Enter to end the command.
Note: Many factors affect how the point is displayed. 

Friday, July 19, 2019

Civil 3d commands V1.0

As we know we can create a surface by several methods in Civil 3d. When we go for an option, create surface form text by drawing objects option, followed under, toolspace, prospector tab in civil 3d, text should have Z value to create a surface. As I see sometimes old survey data don’t have 3d Points, 3d polyline, 3d faces, 3d blocks or any 3d objects it has only 2d objects. For example, they have only 2d text (levels) which shows appropriate X, Y and for Z we must consider the value / content of the text. When you check the property of the text it shows appropriate X, Y and Z value is 0. In this case many peoples are uses several methods to assign elevation to texts. Some peoples use DATAEXTRACTION command to extract the text and other objects to .xls format and fine tune the extracted object and convert to csv format and import as a cogo point in civil 3d to create surface. This method is good but somehow takes little bit of time for the process and fine tune the objects and cross check with the topo drawing which is really takes bit of time.
Some peoples are using their own lisp or scripts to assign the elevation to the texts and use them directly to create surface as i said before. When we use lisp function sometimes it works for TEXT’s and for MTEXT it won’t be work. There is a command called MOVETEXTTOELEVATION in civil 3d, this will be do the best job for ever in such cases.
  1. MOVETEXTTOELEVATION: - This command will do exactly what it says. We can move texts easily to the elevation or we can assign the elevation to the selected texts. We can move ‘n’ number of texts to elevation in a fraction of minutes.
  • Notes
a. By using this command we can assign elevation to text which text has the value not a Z value. For example, assume that a text 303.248 with appropriate X&Y along with Z value 0 or any value, when you use this command to assign elevation it will take 303.248 not a Z value o or any value.
b. This command will works for both text and Mtext.
2. CGANG: - Using this command we can find the Acute angle and obtuse angle between two lines or points. This command also works with C3d entities such as alignment and feature lines. We can also use CGANG as an alias of MAPCGANG.
3. CGLIST: - Using this command we can find the properties of lines, polylines or 3d polylines. It gives the begin and end XY and distance along with the course bearing. This command also works with C3d entities such as alignment and feature lines. We can also use CGLIST as an alias of MAPCGLIST.
4. CGSLIST: - Using this command we can find the 1st and 2nd point elevation between two points of a line, poly line, 3d polyline and feature lines. By using this command also, we can find the elevation difference and slope of the selected entity. I found this command is very useful for 3d polylines and lines more compare to feature line. Because if we have a feature line in property palate only gives most of the information. We can also use CGSLIST as an alias of MAPCGSLIST.
5. CCALC: - Abbreviation of this command is CURVE CALCULATOR. Using this command, we can calculate the curve engineering calculation parameters and, we can find the engineering properties of the curve which is unable to find in property box or from CH command.
6. MINDISTBETWEENENTITIES: - Using this command you can identify or draw a line at location of the minimum distance between entities.
7. VERTDISTBETWEENENTITIES: - Using this command you can find the vertical distance between entities when both are cross each other.
8. SIGNSTYLES: - Using this command we can sign to all C3d styles and setting in a drawing or template file. When you perform this command by default it will take machine username, also you can add any name if in case of need. In fraction of second all styles and settings will be changed to the assigned name. that means you have signed to all styles and setting in civil 3d!
9. PARTCATALOGREGEN:- This command dose as a what it say, I see that sometimes after creating or modifying pipes , or added a new part from other resource to catalog folder it doesn’t appear in part catalog tree in civil 3d window, for that many peoples uses RE command and REA command and some will close and re start the session. To avoid those, we can use this command to regen the part catalog for both pipes and structures. Also, you can check the regen summary report. I found the same on my machine under, C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\C3D 2015\enu\Pipes Catalog\US Imperial Pipes\Validate\Catalog_Regen_Summary
10. PARTCATALOGTEST: - Using this command we can validate or test the part catalog when we create the pipes and parts from scratch or modifying the existing one available. It will notify the pop up if there are any error and you see the catalog validate summary report. I found the validate summary on my machine under, C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\C3D 2015\enu\Pipes Catalog\US Imperial Pipes\Validate\Catalog_Validation_Summary
11. OOPS: - Using this command is performed as undo command, not fully only a partially. By using this command, you can restore the objects which you have erased by the last. Note this command is not restore the layers, blocks, linetype or any other objects which has been removed from the drawing using PURGE command. I found this command is use full to use after creating BLOCK or WBLOCK, because after performing this command objects will be erased and if we use undo option, we can restore the object back but created block will also remove. Using OOPS command we can easily restore the objects removed and block will not be removed.

Autosave stops working in AutoCAD - SOLVED


Autosave can be temporarily turned off and then not be turned on again due to a script or operation which turned it off not completing successfully. For example, some LISP routines turn autosave off at the beginning, run some commands, and then turn it back on when finished. If the LISP routine does not complete or is interrupted, autosave will not be turned on again. There are also a number of operations in AutoCAD that turn autosave off while the command is executing (for example, in the Block Editor). If the program crashes while autosave is temporarily turned off, it remains off.


On the command line in AutoCAD, type SAVETIME and set it to 1 minute and then make a change in a drawing and wait to see if the autosave occurs. Press F2 in AutoCAD to display the text window to see the command line feedback that indicates an autosave occurred. It may be that changing the autosave time will restore the program to acknowledge the feature again. 

For AutoCAD 2016 and later: 

Configure the autosave variable to be monitored:
  1. On the command line in AutoCAD, type SAVETIME and set it to the desired setting (the default is 10 minutes).
  2. Type the SYSVARMONITOR command to open the System Variable Monitor, and then click Edit List.  
  3. In the left pane, search for SAVETIME in the Available System Variables list.  
  4. Select the >> button to move the SAVETIME system variable to the Monitored System Variables list.  
  5. Click OK twice.
Now if the SAVETIME variable is ever changed, the System Variable Monitor status bar icon will be displayed, and the monitored system variables can be reset back to their preferred values. Additionally, set SYSMON to 2 to see a balloon alert notification whenever monitored variables change. 

Script command 

To keep autosave on, create a LISP file that runs each time AutoCAD starts up. 
  1. Create a new text file using Notepad and paste in the following line of code:
    (setvar "SAVETIME" 15)
  2. Save and close the file and then rename it to acaddoc.lsp. Be sure it does not end with .lsp.txt after renaming (right-click > properties to see the full file name). 
  3. Put the acaddoc.lsp file in the AutoCAD support folder (e.g., C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AutoCAD 20xx\Support).
Note: AutoCAD LT does not support scripting.