Thursday, January 9, 2020

To Convert Polygon Topology to Polygons

You can create polygons from a polygon topology. The polygon topology is not changed.
To convert a polygon topology to polygons
  1. On the command line, enter maptopologytopolygons. Press Enter.
  2. In the Create Polygons From Topology dialog box, for Name, select the topology to convert.
    Click Load Topology to select and load the topology.
  3. For Layer, select the layer on which you want to place the converted polygons.
    Click Layer Settings to create a new layer and set its properties.
  4. Optionally, select Group Complex Polygons to create a single polygon from nested polygons in the topology.
    If one polygon is inside another, they both become boundaries in the resulting polygon object. There is no specific limit to the nesting level of polygons grouped with this option, but in some conditions the resulting inner/outer type of individual boundaries may not be what you anticipated. You can use the MAPMPEDIT command to correct this.
  5. Optionally, select Copy Object Data From Centroid to copy object data from the polygons to the new polygon objects.
    If you selected Group Complex Polygons, the object data is copied only from the outermost polygon.
  6. Optionally, select Copy Database Links From Centroid to copy database links from the polygons to the new polygon objects.
    If you selected Group Complex Polygons, the database links are copied only from the outermost polygon.
  7. Click OK.


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