Monday, June 3, 2019

Export AutoCAD Civil 3D Drawing Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to specify settings for exporting to an AutoCAD® DWG file or a MicroStation® DGN file and to select which drawings to export.

Export To File Type
Specifies whether to export to AutoCAD DWG or MicroStation DGN.
External DWG References
Specifies how external DWG references, such as xrefs and data shortcut references, are handled.
  • Ignore: Ignores external DWG references. Only objects that are in the current drawing are exported.
  • Bind: Converts each external DWG reference to a block, making it a permanent part of the exported drawing. Xref-dependent named objects are changed from blockname|definitionname to blockname$n$definitionname syntax.
  • Bind and Explode: Uses the Bind option, and then explodes the resulting block.
  • Bind and Insert: Binds the external DWG references to the current drawing in a way that is similar to detaching and inserting a reference drawing. Xref-dependent named objects are stripped of the xref name.
  • Bind, Insert, and Explode: Uses the Bind and Insert option, and then explodes the resulting block.
  • Detach: Detaches external DWG references from the drawing before the export. Only xrefs that are attached to or overlaid directly on the current drawing can be detached; nested xrefs cannot be detached.
Files To Export
Specifies whether to export the current drawing only or all drawings in the source folder, and whether to export sheets.
  • Select Current Drawing Only to export only the current drawing.
  • Select Selected Drawings In Source Folder to export all drawings in the specified source folder. If you select this option, you can also select the Include Drawings In Subfolders check box to include all the drawings within the subfolders in the source folder.
  • Select the Include Sheets check box to export paper space layouts.
Export Settings
Opens the Export Settings dialog box, where you can specify export settings for the available export types (DWG and DGN).
Source Folder
Displays the location of the current drawing. When Selected Drawings In Source Folder is selected under Files To Export, you can click the browse button to select a different source folder (for example, if you want to export all drawings within a specified folder).
Note: Drawings in read-only folders cannot be exported.
Destination Folder
Displays the location where the exported files will be saved. You can click the browse button to select a different destination folder. If the Include Drawings In Subfolderscheck box is selected, corresponding subfolders will be created in the destination folder. The new subfolders will be named with their original name and appended with the export file type.
Note: To successfully export the selected files, ensure that you have write-access to the specified Destination Folder and ensure that there is enough space in the folder for the exported files.
Note: If files already exist in the Destination Folder with the same names, you will be prompted how to proceed. You can choose to replace the existing files, to keep both of the files, or to not export the files that have the same names. Files cannot be replaced if they are read-only. If you choose to replace the existing files, any files that are read-only will be renamed using the format <filename(2)>.dwg or <filename(2)>.dgn.
Destination File Name Prefix
Specifies the prefix to add to the file name after export.
Destination File Name Suffix
Specifies the suffix to add to the file name after export.
Files To Export Table
Enables you to select drawings and layouts to be exported. Standard controls enable you to expand and collapse the list and select or clear the items to export.
The content of this table changes depending on the options selected under Files To Export.
  • Current Drawing Only: If this setting is selected under Files To Export, then only the current drawing is listed.
  • Selected Drawings In Source Folder: If this setting is selected under Files To Export, then all drawings in the Source Folder are listed.
  • Include Drawings In Subfolders: If this setting is selected under Files To Export, then all drawings in the source folder and its subfolders are listed.
  • Include Sheets: If this setting is selected under Files To Export, then layouts that are included in the drawings are listed.
For each AutoCAD Civil 3D drawing that is exported, the model and each selected layout are saved as separate DWG or DGN files.


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