Saturday, June 1, 2019

Drawing File Format Changes

Drawing (DWG) files are the native data files that are created when using AutoCAD-based products.

Each AutoCAD-based product uses a specific file format when saving to a file, which is important when sharing files with clients and other users in your company.
The following table outlines which file format should be used when sharing files with other users of AutoCAD or AutoCAD-based products.
File FormatAutoCAD Release
AutoCAD 2013AutoCAD 2013 through AutoCAD 2015
AutoCAD 2010AutoCAD 2010 through AutoCAD 2012
AutoCAD 2007AutoCAD 2007 through AutoCAD 2009
AutoCAD 2004AutoCAD 2004 through AutoCAD 2006
AutoCAD 2000AutoCAD 2000 through AutoCAD 2002
AutoCAD R14AutoCAD R14
AutoCAD R12 DXFAutoCAD R13
AutoCAD R12 DXFAutoCAD R12
When working in an office that uses multiple AutoCAD-based product releases, you can set the default file format to use when saving to a file. The option to set the default file format can be found on the Open and Save tab of the Options dialog box under the File Save section. Selecting a file format from the Save As drop-down list affects the following commands:
  • SAVE
Setting the default file format does not affect the following commands:
  • WBLOCK – Drawing files created with the command need to be opened and re-saved to an earlier file format as needed.
  • REFEDIT – Drawing files edited with the command need to be opened and re-saved to an earlier file format as needed.
  • COPYCLIP – Selected drawing objects are copied to a drawing file that is saved in the native drawing file format. You cannot copy and paste drawing objects between releases that use different native drawing file formats, such as AutoCAD 2012 and AutoCAD 2015.
    If you need objects to be made available in an earlier release, as a workaround, do the following:
    • Use the WBLOCK command to export the selected objects to a separate drawing file.
    • Open the drawing file and re-save it to the earlier drawing file format with the SAVEAS command.
    • Bring the objects into the earlier release with the XREF or INSERT command.
While the SAVEAS command can be used to save a drawing from one file format to another, it is not efficient when exchanging multiple drawings that need to be saved to a different format. Instead, use any of the following methods to save multiple drawings to a different drawing file format:
  • DWGCONVERT command – A batch convertor that resaves selected drawing files between file formats.
  • ETRANSMIT command – A transmittal process that saves the current drawing and referenced drawing files to the selected drawing file format. The current Transmittal Setup controls the drawing file format to save the drawing to.
  • DWG TrueView – A stand-alone application that can be used to saves multiple drawing files to a specified file format. DWG TrueView is available as a separate and free download.
  • AutoCAD 360 – A Web portal that allows for posting and reviewing drawing files. Posted drawing files can be downloaded in a different drawing file format. (
  • ScriptPro – A batch script executor that runs specified script (SCR) files across selected drawing files. SCR files can be used to save drawings to a different file format. (


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