Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Align Payment Dates - Autocad

If you have multiple subscriptions with the same term length (monthly or annual) and payment method, consolidate your statements by aligning their billing dates to simplify the billing process.
Note: Subscriptions purchased through an Autodesk partner or Autodesk online stores managed by our partner, Digital River, cannot be aligned. Also, purchases made using PayPal cannot be aligned unless you change your payment method to a credit card.
When you align payment dates, you pay a one-time, prorated price to extend subscriptions to renew on the same date as other subscriptions with a later renewal date. The prorated price is inclusive of all the seats you have on this term and does not include taxes or fees.

To align payment dates:
  1. Sign in to your Autodesk Account and go to Billing & Orders > Upcoming Payments. Your subscriptions are grouped by term and payment method.
  2. Click Align payment dates in the upper, right-hand corner.

    The Align Payment Dates button in Autodesk Account
  3. The subscriptions that are eligible for alignment are grouped together. Select the subscriptions you want to change, and click Align in the lower, right-hand corner.

    Select which subscriptions to align payment dates
  4. In the confirmation screen, make sure you've selected the right subscriptions and click Continue.*

    Note: The credit card you originally used to purchase the subscription will be charged the fee to extend renewal dates. If you need to use a different card, return to Billing & Orders to edit your payment information before completing the transaction. For more information, see Update Subscription Payment Information in Autodesk Account.

    * As soon as the order is processed, your credit card will be charged the one-time, prorated cost to extend the necessary subscriptions to the new billing date. If you cancel the subscription before the next renewal, you will be refunded the prorated amount.
  5. Review the billing confirmation screen, click Submit Order.
    The order confirmation displays. You will also receive a confirmation email.


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