Sunday, December 1, 2019

Generating a Watershed Analysis

Generate a watershed analysis

    This exercise uses Surface-5A.dwg with the modifications you made in the previous exercise.
  1. In Toolspace, on the Prospector tab, expand the Surfaces collection. Right-click the XGND surface. Click Surface Properties.
  2. In the Surface Properties dialog box, on the Information tab, for Surface Style, select Watersheds.
  3. On the Analysis tab, for Analysis Type, select Watersheds.
  4. Ensure that Standard is selected in the Legend list.
  5. Click  to generate the watershed analysis.
    The details of the surface watersheds are displayed in the Details table.
  6. Click .
  7. On the Watershed Display dialog box, click  next to Boundary Point and Boundary Segment to turn off the display of these watershed types.
  8. Click OK twice.
    The watersheds are displayed on the surface in the drawing.
  9. In Toolspace, on the Prospector tab, expand the SurfacesXGND collection. Click the Watersheds collection.
    The Prospector list view displays a tabular list of the surface watersheds with their IDs, description, type, and the ID of the watershed that they drain into.
  10. Optionally, pan or zoom to an individual watershed. Right-click the watershed item in the list view and click Pan To or Zoom To.


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