Thursday, May 23, 2019

Using Point Filters Within Transparent Commands

Use point filters to enter known point information when you are prompted for a point location within a transparent command.

A point filter offers you three ways to specify a point location:
  • enter a point number
  • enter northing and easting values
  • select a point in the active drawing
To activate a point filter, do one of the following:
  • Enter the point filter on the command line. You must always begin a transparent command point filter with a period (.).
  • Select the point filter from the Transparent Commands ribbon tab.
  • Select the point filter from the Transparent Command Filters toolbar. If the toolbar is not displayed, right click any toolbar and select Transparent Command Filters.
The following table lists the point filters available within the Civil transparent commands.
To specify a location using this information...
Enter this point filter...
Or click this icon on the Transparent Commands ribbon tab or the Transparent Command Filters Toolbar
point number
a point in a drawing
known northing and easting
A point filter is active only while you enter a single point location. Control then returns to the main transparent command.
Point filters are available for use only when you are prompted for a point location during the following transparent commands:
  • Angle Distance (‘AD)
  • Bearing Distance (‘BD)
  • Deflection Distance (‘DD)
  • Azimuth Distance (‘ZD)
  • Station Offset (‘SO)
  • Side Shot (‘SS)
When you are working with the .p (point number) point filter, the system searches for the point first within the active drawing, then within the project, if the drawing is attached to a project.


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