Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Roundabout Properties - Head Up Display

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Click Head Up Display in the left hand pane. The Head Up Display page is displayed.
Select Show Head-Up Display (HUD) to enable the display of selected design and analysis values on each roundabout entry point or as a table.
Tip: The grip at the bottom left of each HUD allows you to adjust the HUD position relative to the arm but note that individual HUD’s (i.e. not a single table HUD) will still move as the arm alignments change.
You can set the global HUD Size as a percentage of the default (100%) size. This affects all HUD’s.
Note: The grip at the top right of each HUD allows you to adjust the size of an individual HUD. This lets you highlight particular values.
Select Align HUD to Legs to display the head-up display at the entry leg alignment. If you leave this unchecked, the head-up displays are displayed horizontally.
Select Reset Size / Position to set the size and location of the HUD’s back to the defaults.
Select Show As Single Table to display the HUD’s for all legs in a single table. In this mode, the angle of the HUD is always horizontal.
Select Extended Display to display arrows at the right hand side of the HUD on values that exceed the maximum. The number of arrows displayed represents the degree by which the value exceeds the maximum, one arrow for a value that is between 0 and 100% greater than the maximum, two arrows for a value that is between 100% and 200% greater than the maximum, and so on up to five arrows.
Select Show Leader Lines to display lines connecting each HUD to the corresponding leg.
By default, the values are all scaled and displayed in a color that depends upon the value. The values calculated by Autodesk Civil 3D 2020 are generally red if the value is outside the max/min limits of the standard, amber if it is close to a limiting value and green otherwise. ARCADY values are colored to match those used in ARCADY for consistency. If you wish to disable this color coding, select Suppress Color Fill.
By default Offset Display in Edit is selected. This means that when you edit a roundabout, the new values are displayed in a HUD alongside the existing values rather than over the top. This generally makes it easier to read the values and interpret the effect of the change. If you would rather the new values were displayed over the existing values then clear Offset Display in Edit.
The remainder of the dialog lists values that may be selected for display. Select those that you wish to see.
Tip: The ARCADY analysis values are only displayed if the link is active.


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